
What Are Rates?

Rates are a property-based charge imposed on all properties within the Shire of Menzies. The Rates are used to provide and maintain a variety of facilities, programmes and services within the Shire including: Roads, Community Services and the administration of the Shire.

Who Pays Rates?

Under the Local Government Act 1995, the owner of a property is liable for all rates and charges imposed on the land by the Shire of Menzies. Residential houses, commercial premises, vacant lots or tenements granted by the Department of Minerals and Energy are all considered rateable properties.

There are certain properties in the Shire that are deemed non-rateable in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995. These properties include: Crown (Government) Land, land and buildings vested in the Shire of Menzies and reserves that are used for certain purposes (eg park).

How Are Rates Calculated?

Rates are calculated by multiplying the property valuation (supplied by the Valuer Generals Office) by the rate-in-the-dollar as determined by Council.

Once Council has determined its level of expenditure and income (its “Budget”) for a financial year, it must then determine what rate-in-the-dollar, once applied to each property valuation, will achieve the level of desired income by the Shire.

The rates-in-the-dollar set by Council.

What Is The Difference Between A Gross Rental Valuation (GRV) And An Unimproved Valuation (UV)?

Gross Rental valuations and Unimproved Valuations are supplied by the Valuer Generals Office and are the basis for rates calculations.

Simply speaking:

A Gross Rental Valuation represents the annual rental an owner could reasonably expect for their property if it were to be leased. Gross Rental Valuations are determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, the current rental markets and location of the property.

If the land is vacant, the Gross Rental Valuation represents 5% of the capital value of the land (i.e. 5% of its value on the current market).

Gross Rental Valuations apply to all properties within the townsite boundary of the Shire of Menzies.

In the Shire of Menzies, an Unimproved Valuation is applied to all rural and pastoral properties, and mining tenements.

For land such as pastoral leases, the Unimproved Valuation represents the site or land value only of the property and does not take into consideration any dwellings or structures that may be on the land.

For Mining tenements, the Unimproved Valuations is determined by the size of the tenement and the annual rental paid to the Department of Minerals and Energy.

What If I Don’t Agree With The Valuation On My Property?

If you are unhappy with the valuation on your property, you can lodge an objection to the Valuer Generals Office. This objection must be lodged within 65 days from the date of issue of your yearly or interim rate notice. The Shire is able to provide general information regarding lodging an objection but cannot prepare the objection or assist in the Valuer Generals decision. Please contact the Shire, should you wish to obtain further information.

What If I Don’t Pay My Rates?

There are 3 payment options available to ratepayers:

  1. Pay in full by due date to receive a discount
  2. Pay by four instalments offered to ratepayers
  3. Make an alternative payment arrangement with the Shire.

Rates and charges are due 35 days from the date of issue on the notice, and you must have fulfilled one of the above payment options by that date.

If you do not make a payment as outlined above, the Shire of Menzies may proceed with legal action to recover the outstanding rates and charges. A summons may be issued against you, and all fees for this action are payable by you, the ratepayer.

Legal action is not a preferred option by the Shire, and the Shire is more than willing to assist ratepayers in meeting their obligations to pay the rates and charges. If you are unable to pay your rates and charges in full and would like to make other suitable arrangements, please contact the Shire of Menzies Rates Department on (08) 9024 2041. Email. rates@menzies.wa.gov.au

2024/2025 Emergency Services Levy Flyer